Not sure if your child is on track with their math skills?

In an increasingly tech-driven world, math skills are crucial. But just like with literacy, you can help your child develop key math concepts from an early age to avoid later struggles in school.


Grab these 4 FREE math benchmark checklists to know:

  • Exactly where you should focus your energy to help your child build strong math skills
  • Which key concepts children in most states are learning at the toddler, preschool, kindergarten, and first grade levels
  • Whether your child is on track or could use a little extra help.

Just enter your name and email, and I’ll send ALL 4 straight to your inbox!

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Hi, I'm Neily!

I'm a mom of two and former Director of Math for six elementary and middle schools. During my time in that role, I implemented a hands-on mathematics curriculum designed to engage students in academic discussion and conceptual thinking. As a result, the schools showed some of the highest growth in Tennessee, according to several assessments.

I've trained hundreds of teachers and school administrators to teach math for understanding--not just memorization. Now, I help thousands of parents around the world relearn math so they can raise children who thrive in math.

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